Sunday, May 30, 2010

King's Table #1 Sponsored by Valley Praise Foursquare Church, California

May 30 2010, the first Valley Praise Foursquare Church sponsored King's Table @ Living Rock Amparo. There were about 42 kids who had their fill at the King's Table.

School Supplies from Alphacrest Foundation & Gerthrode Charlotte Tan

48 Children (including 6 high school students) received their school supplies from Alphacrest Foundation through the kindness of Gerthrode Charlotte Tan.  Living Rock Amparo, with Pastor Lloyd Basco and his team (Velma Jane Lao, David Bryan Lao, Dominic Chin, Nestor Lao, Jr. and Jomema Lao) and the whole congregation express their deepest gratitude to Gerthrode, Bong and Angela.  Thank you so much. God bless you and keep you that way always.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Orchid Slippers @ Living Rock Amparo

Living Rock has many Orchid Empowered Ministries and one of these is the Orchid Slippers Ministry.